A Magical Switch

If I could trade places with a famous person for a day It would be DancingBacon (true name is up to the imagination.) He is a famous YouTuber with close to three million subscribers who lives in (South) Korea. They try out lots of different types of food for a living. This fact of trying different types of food for a living is one of my reasons why I would switch bodies with him for a day. Various types of snacks from the corner store, types of snacks you wouldn’t be able to find here in the United States. Going to vending machine that don’t just sell water, but instead whole stores without owners where everything is vending machines. Vending machines that dispense hot meals: ramen, burgers, fries, rice, wontons. Imagine all of this, but you go around and munch all this mouthwatering food as a job! Not to mention the fact I could be in (South) Korea of all places. (South) Korea is somewhere I have not been before and is a country in Asia somewhere I have not been in a while. I love to get a taste of what life feels like in a different place in the world, the architecture, the people. I can only wonder what would go through his mind as he wakes up as some child in a place without vending machines with rice and without parks on every corner.

A Flawless Twelve Hours for Tiffany

Oh if I had just a little perfect day on this little perfect earth. It would start with a wake up at nine in the morning on a Saturday. I would wake up feeling energized with a perfect sleep from the day before. I would make the bed with absolutely no wrinkles. I go to have a perfect breakfast consisting of a nice warm bowl of pho steaming at the broth. Chowing down without a single bit spilled and not a speck left in the bowl. I would go play Tennis. Sliding on my shoes with ease and grabbing my tennis racket. At the courts the temperature would be around seventy-five degrees and my friends would arrive on time. I would hit shots with nothing less than perfect form. The water I would drink would be slightly chilled. After I would love to go out for a cup of tapioca pearls with my friends and there would not be a line. I would go be driven home without a single red light, in the afternoon. For dinner I would go out to my favorite Restaurant Ding Tai Fung at one of my favorite shopping malls. I would be a long line so I could spend time to go shopping. All the shops I would have sales on all the items I would have wanted. My intuition would get me back to the restaurant on time and I would be correct and called to my table which would be situation in a partly incloses outside area right next to a heater. My family would order and food would be delivered just before I started to feel hungry. Everybody would get just enough food to feel satisfied but not enough to feel deathly full. Driving back home, there would be no traffic on the freeway making the drive quick. Taking a shower, the water would be at the perfect temperature. Brushing my teeth, no toothpaste or water would drip outside of my mouth. I would go to sleep knowing that I had no homework and a few of my plants had a new leaves. I would fall asleep instantly with no motorcycles, party’s, or racers to disturb me with not a single nightmare.

Me, Tiffany, Ten Again

Sometimes Tiffany wished she was Ten. To gain back the years she lost to a something that shall not be named in 2020-2021. To gain the double digits of her childhood. For the years she was to transition from her home she had for 5 years, to another home for the next 3 years. How she wished she could have listened to more music than what on the radio. How she longed to do more than sit in her home waiting till the clock strikes one, on a day where the sun beams down on every tree. To get off the screen separating herself to where all her friends lie with their cameras off and her teacher voice which darts around like a cheetah in a chase. Just to look outside and see not one car driving by. Oh how Tiffany wished she was ten but this time without any interference.

Oh a Story to be Told

Oh this tale is very old.

The tales of a clown and his mistress.

See as you can not miss this.

The tale of a god posted high in the mountains.

And the tail of a hog bouncing and bouncing.

A clown and mistress drink some ale.

An unsuspecting victims tail is in the air.

The clown and his mistress get ready with the axes.

The god of the mountains gets prepared with some flashes.

The sky rumbles as the couple are in despair.

An unsuspecting victims soul is lifted into the air.

What the couple sees to be a blessing.

A sizzling pan, you can smell it.

The mountain god is already dressing.

In black.